Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hello Hood River

We made a command decision to stop after only 31 miles. We are now at the Hood River Hotel in Hood River Oregon. It's a neat little older hotel in "downtown" Hood River that reminds us a little of home.

Hood River Hotel Lobby

We need a bit more rest before tackling the more isolated portions of Eastern Oregon and Washington and stopping here made sense in spacing out our days for available services such as camp grounds and hotels. We also took a much needed nap this afternoon.

Stairway along the bike path

The Columbia continues to be beautiful as the surrounding countryside changes from green to brown.

Columbia is a busy River
Not quite as green

We took the opportunity today to shed a few pounds and mailed a small package of "unnecessary" gear home. We still have our towels and I must confess that I do enjoy my little towel. Our bodies are rebelling - we are older and have never carried this much weight. It becomes a balance between what we think we need and what we really need (risk vrs practical). Your continued prayers as we continue with this exciting adventure are so appreciated. It is such a privilege to have this time with my wife Marcia where our ability to function as a great team becomes so evident. She is indeed my soul mate.

We ate dinner at The Subterranean (113 3rd street). Dinner was absolutely perfect - Marcia had the best steak she's ever had. If you're ever in Hood River you would do well to give it a try.

Total miles 268.



  1. There are a bunch of people on this end watching your trip. Every day at 11:00 eastern time, we look to see if you are moving. Remember take your time, nothing to hurry back to(unless you really want to run instead of bike).

    1. Bob - finally got my passwords straightened out so we can respond to comments. We'll definitely take our time even though I did feel a push when you thought we could make it to Spokane in 2 days.

  2. I'm so glad you guys decided to blog your journey! I love being able to keep up with you!
