Sunday, June 28, 2015

More Adjustments

We have reservations for a cabin at the West Glacier KOA for tonight and tomorrow night however we covered the 28 miles to the KOA by 8 o'clock this morning. There was no way we could stop that early and so we pressed on to Glacier Park and made it to Avalanche Campground before the 11 o'clock cut off at which time all bicycles need to be off the road. The rule is that bicycles are not allowed on large sections of the West Side Going To The Sun Road between 11AM and 4PM. So tomorrow we will be on the road at the crack of dawn to cover the remaining 16 miles to Logan Pass before 11AM. We will gain about 3,000 ft in elevation. Shouldn't be a problem and the air will be nice and cool in the early morning. Meanwhile our campsite is very beautiful with views of towering mountain peaks all around us.

Avalanche campsite

We were hoping to see our fellow riders Sal and Debbie who we met and enjoyed while we were in Whitefish. Unfortunately we do not see them here. More than biking we share a love for Golden Retrievers. Both of our Goldens loved to dive for rocks.

Sal and Debbie

We enjoyed a hike up to Avalanche Lake this afternoon. God's majesty is evident everywhere we look. It is absolutely breathtaking.

Avalanche Lake

When we got back to our campsite it was HOT! Forecasts were for a high of 104 deg F and I believe it reached it. We were both very sleepy and so we laid down for a nap - two and a half hours went by very quickly!

We changed our rear tire today - first one. It lasted basically 1,000 miles. Not bad for the rear tire of a loaded tandem.

We are both beginning to feel stronge and really good on the bike. The human body continues to amaze us in how it adapts and responds to things like this ride. We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139).

Miles today = 47

Total miles = 1,001