Friday, July 24, 2015


We left Crystal Falls this morning in the hopes of catching breakfast in Sagola which is about 13 miles down the road. Unfortunately there were no restaurants so we continued down the road. As we progressed on our journey we encountered several restaurants - all closed. So we finished our ride today benefiting from the snack food we carried. This has not been unusual. It seems that in several places small town America is disappearing.

This is what the sign said
This is what was there

We also broke our rear dérailleur cable. Glad we had a spare since not many bike shops carry the long cables needed by tandems. About 45 minutes later we were back on the road.

We landed in Escanaba and made up for the day with dinner at Herreford & Hops. That is one great restaurant to go to when you are as hungry as we were. They have excellent food. After an appetizer, salad bar and main course we were feeling good. Tomorrow we plan to check out Sayklly's Confectionary.

Oh yes - we are now in eastern time zone.

Miles today = 72

Total miles = 2728



  1. I ate at the Herreford & Hops when I went to the Escanaba Mill. Great steaks! Thanks for taking all the pictures and posting them in your blog. Thanks too for explaining your stops (bugs, breakdowns, etc.) Bob and I follow you through out the day,and a couple times we have wondered why you stopped where you did.
    Did you hear about the forest fires in the Glacier National Park? Good thing you got through there when you did. Stay strong and good travels!

    1. Thanks Steve - we passed within 1 hour of a fire on our way to Browning Mt. We left Glacier only a couple days before the fires broke out there. We have been incredibly blessed throughout this trip.
